What factors affect the sound absorption and noise reduction effect of color coated panels
Feb 24,2021
The effect of sound absorption and noise reduction has a great relationship with the shape, size, and sound absorption position of the room. If the area of the room is relatively large and people's activity area is relatively close to the sound source, direct sound occupies the main position at this time. At that time, the role of the sound-absorbing panel is relatively small. In a space with a relatively small room area, the sound source reflects multiple times from each wall and mixes with the direct sound. At this time, the role of the sound-absorbing panel will be very obvious and the effect is very good. . If the shape of the room is relatively slender and the length is more than five times the width, the sound needs to be continuously reflected in such a space, and the sound absorption effect is better at this time.
Phone:+86-13793879288(Mr. Hou)
Add : Dianzi Industrial Park, Dianzi Town, Boxing County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China

Phone:+8613385435155(Mr. Zheng)
Email: zhengyang@longyuangangtie.cn
Add : Dianzi Industrial Park, Dianzi Town, Boxing County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province, China